mujunij jonathan

О себе

mujunij jonathan
 mujunij jonathan
О себе:
It is not easy to describe myself. But I can try. I am a man who is creative and optimistic. I love people and our beautiful planet. I always try to achieve my goals and to do my best. I am proud of having many really good friends and I try to develop myself in all ways possible. I want to meet some one with who I will feel loved, protected and cared. It sounds so simple and I hope it will be possible to find him or her very soon! I believe that when we know exactly what we want, we will get it.
Место жительства:
Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates)
Друзeй, Интимное общение, Деловые контакты
41 лет
Australia, Canada, Denmark, Israel, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Dubai


Computers/Internet, Dining out, Movies/Videos, Religion/Spiritual, Travel/Sightseeing, Jogging, Volleyball
Любимая музыка:
gospel,and country music
Что мне нравится:
I like to know GOD
Что я ненавижу:
Dis honest and gready p.ple
Статус отношений:
Объединенные Арабские Эмираты


  • mujunij jonathan
     mujunij jonathan

    Always be happy,always wear a smile.not because life is full of reason to smile but b'se your smile it's self is a reason for many others to smile!!!

  • mujunij jonathan
     mujunij jonathan

    In the beginning you will judge but at the end you will love me!