Belinda MJ Brown

О мени

Belinda MJ Brown
 Belinda MJ Brown
О мени:
Executive, Expat and Life Coach, Belinda has had a remarkable success in assisting others in achieving their goals and in accomplishing their dreams. Equanimity Executive, LLC focuses especially on Executives, Entrepreneurs, Expatriates and their family. Belinda’s goal is to be the vehicle to their success in reducing stress and strengthening leadership skills, adapting in a new cultural environment, finding a purpose in their life. Her coaching experience includes a special talent for helping others to make significant changes in their professional and personal lives. Executive, Expat and Life Coach, Belinda has had a remarkable success in assisting others in achieving their goals and in accomplishing their dreams. Equanimity Executive, LLC focuses especially on Executives, Entrepreneurs, Expatriates and their family. Belinda’s goal is to be the vehicle to their success in reducing stress and strengthening leadership skills, adapting in a new cultural environment, finding a purpose in their life. Her coaching experience includes a special talent for helping others to make significant changes in their professional and personal lives. Being an expatriate herself, Belinda thoroughly deeply understands the challenges faced by those who consider moving from one culture to another. She has made a success of her international coaching practice because she assists others to transform these challenges into leadership opportunities just as she herself has done. This accomplished and successful French expatriate began her intercultural coaching business in 2011 to assist those in the process of making major transitions. Her background includes 15 years of leadership experience in the international multicultural European and American corporate worlds. She began her career in customer service management and continued to evolve, developing strong executive leadership skills to become a successful manager in the competitive and fast-moving world of sales management. Belinda found herself at a crossroads in her personal and professional circumstances in 2005. She felt she had outgrown her life and wanted to make a change. She enlisted the coaching services of a Career Transition and Life Coach to help her to assess the situation. With the help of her coach, Belinda was able to determine the changes she wanted to make, create an action plan, and reach a new set of goals. In 2006, after completing a degree in International Sourcing and Procurement Management, Belinda prepared to move from Europe to the US. The move involved a major transition and evolution of her mindset to integrate with the American culture, values and corporate world. In America we meet, interact and do business with people of many different nationalities and cultures. Executives, Entrepreneurs, Expatriates, and their families must evolve in a multicultural community in order to succeed. Equanimity Executive, LLC attributes its coaching success to a holistic approach that integrates the individual with the environment. Belinda focuses on the critical aspects of helping clients through Executive, Expat and Life Coaching to be WHO they are, achieve WHAT they want and IMPLEMENT sustainable changes in their life. Although Belinda is still involved in the corporate world, she offers her successful programs and leadership training services to executives, expatriates and other clients individually and in groups. “Each Person we meet is our Teacher and Student” – iPEC Foundation Principle Belinda MJ.Brown est une Executive et Expat Coach specialisée non seulement dans l’accompagnement personnel et professionnel des cadres et des dirigeants mais elle assiste aussi toute personne qui a la volonté de faire des changements dans sa vie. En 2005, au terme de cette période de transition durant laquelle Belinda a choisi d’être accompagnée par une Coach spécialisée en gestion de carrière, Belinda a décidé quelle orientation elle souhaitait donner à sa vie personnelle et professionnelle; en 2006, Belinda obtient un diplôme de Responsable des Achats Internationaux et en parallèle prépare son installation aux Etats-Unis. Cette expatriation choisie a impliqué une évolution de l’état d’esprit de Belinda afin de s’adapter à la Culture américaine, aux Valeurs et à la Culture d’entreprise américaines. En tant qu’ Expatriée, Belinda a non seulement fait l’expérience des challenges culturels dit “Culture Shock” mais a transformé ces problématiques en opportunités. Cette expérience interculturelle permet à Belinda d’être un véritable atout pour ses clients. En effet, elle apprend énormément et s’ouvre un peu plus chaque jour au monde et à la mondialisation en entreprise. Aux Etats-Unis, nous rencontrons tous les jours des personnes de diverses cultures et nationalités. C’est plus particulièrement le cas pour les Cadres et Dirigeants et leurs familles qui évoluent dans un environement multiculturel. C’est pour cela qu’ Equanimity Executive, a développé une approche holistique qui inclus l’individu et son environement, comme aspects majeurs de l’accompagement de coaching. Le Coaching couvre notamment ces aspects pour accompagner les clients à connaître qui ils sont et à réaliser ce qu’ils désirent en travaillant sur des changements pérennes. “Chaque personne que nous rencontrons est notre Maître et notre Élève.” Belinda, qui est toujours très impliquée dans le monde de l’entreprise gère encore aujourd’hui un portefeuille d’achats de plusieurs millions de dollars au sein d’une société internationale. Votre Executive et Life Coach offre diverses prestations de services allant de la session individuelle à la session d’équipe en passant par l’organisation de groupes de travail sur la synergie et la performance.
Место пребивалишта:
Florida (United States)
English, French
Интересују Вас:
Пријатељи, Пословни контакти
France, United States, Florida


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Equanimity Executive, LLC
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Блог предузећа:
Executive Coach, Expat Coach & Life Coach Consultante en Accompagnement du Changement
Подручје рада:
Accompagnement des Individus, Coaching
+1 (321)-300-4898
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  •  Belinda MJ Brown

    Executive, Expat and Life Coaching - Yield High ROI

    Life can be very exciting for about six months after settling down to live in a new country. You and your family will be thrilled to discover a new country along with its culture, its language, its food, and its people. While these new experiences are amazing for most people, after a time of enjoyment, the excitement diminishes. You get used to the places, food, and people. You start to think about everything you left behind in your old country and your focus changes. Instead of things being new and exciting, they become unfamiliar and even repulsive. You begin to miss your family, your friends, your former house, and even those stupid TV shows that made you fuss. You also miss the old ways and places. You can become unhappy for a long time until you realize that you need the support of an accountability partner in order to be happy and succeed in this country that is not so new anymore.

    It takes energy to deal with new inconveniences and to overcome them. Because of this, you feel drained, irritated, and frustrated. You have difficulties understanding your coworkers and can feel really lonely and isolated in your community. Your extraordinary communication skills do not work as well in the new country. This can generate even more frustration and even a lower self-esteem. And this might reduce your motivation and cause you to lower your initial objectives and goals to succeed or to embrace a new assignment and get the most out of your experience abroad. You might even take on simple survival goals. For example, you might say to yourself, "Only eight months longer. Stay strong!" or "I will choose my next assignment more wisely."

    Without assistance, you could feel these frustrations for many more months or even years. And while you feel isolated at work, you will feel even worse if your spouse is also finding it difficult to adapt to the new environment. At any time in the process of relocation or expatriation, you and your family can choose to be assisted by an Expat Coach in your extraordinary journey.Could your feelings improve if you were assisted in removing these frustrations and roadblocks quickly? Is this assignment abroad very important to you, your career, and your family? How much would you invest in yourself to ace this assignment and prepare for the next one?

    On the positive side, as challenging it might be, your exposure to another culture is an opportunity to enlarge your perspectives and to grow tremendously. At any time in the process of relocation or expatriation, you and your family can choose to hire an Executive, Expat & Life Coach to assist you in your journey. An Executive, Life & Expat Coach is specialized in energy coaching which assists you is in changing this stressful, catabolic energy into a positive, anabolic energy. The benefit of energy coaching gives you is the power to accomplish your goals effortlessly. Certainly, you understand the great benefits of hiring a professional coach to assist you in exploring opportunities and developing your potential, but you may find that Coaching Services are not cheap. Some of you may need your spouse or even your company to help with the expense. The following interesting article will help others see how valuable energy coaching can be.

    The American Management Association 'Study "Coaching: A Global Survey of Successful Practices 2008" reveals that 52% of North American companies have a coaching program and 55% internationally. Their respondents report "a High level of success in the areas of coaching." This article also helps explain why companies are investing in their executives and those managers with high potential. They gain a high ROI (return on investment) from this initiative. A global study of client coaching commissioned by the ICF (International Coaching Federation) and conducted jointly by the Association Resource Centre Inc. and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, detailed how the average ROI reported and calculated by companies is 700%. This is broken down to be 633% in North America and 1567% in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. In addition, independent individuals measured 344%. Both Executive and Life coaching have a great impact on life and work. According to these studies and clients' experience: The top three impacts on life in general are

    Personal development: growth in confidence, and higher self-esteem,
    Lifestyle: skills and improvements, and
    Improved awareness: realization, insight, and knowledge.

    The top three impacts for corporations and executives are

    An overall corporate culture improvement,
    Enhanced communication, and
    Stronger team work.

    Not unexpectedly, the ROE (Return On Expectations) is as great as ROI. How much would you invest to feel rested, healthy, balanced, and performing at your highest level of confidence to have success in your career and in your life? What still prevents you from contacting an Executive, Expat or Life coach to obtain these benefits?

    Equanimity Executive, LLC Provides World-Class Executive and Expat Coaching Services.

    We assist or help individuals, executives, corporate teams and entire corporations as they fully explore, uncover and utilize the potential of human capital. We are the enabler, and our clients provide the energy to make business ventures and their life successful. Whether a client is an expatriate, planning a relocation, or working domestically, we value accompanying happy and effective leaders who use their skills to benefit an individual community or the world at large. We are experts in the process that empowers our clients to creatively increase their performance in any aspect of their life that might either hold them back, or slow them down. We use the means of non-judgment and striving to transcend individual egos to achieve the goal of allowing individuals reach their full potential. We value curiosity, open-mindedness, integrity and trust.

    Please feel free to contact us for a Complimentary Session by visiting our website in English and in French