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    insänt av  Ron Saxena i Tyskland forum  

    I do not need to need to know anything about Sharia, I never claimed that I know. Perhaps you should consider brushing up your logical faculty.
    I am not spouting hate against the country I live. If the old lady in tram cringes when I sit next to her, if I am routinely refused entry to clubs, if I am always made to wait the longest time in the bakery and offered the smallest piece of Leberkaese, then I am going to call it RACISM (in capital). Racism can be subtle yet stubborn. And I will not pretend that everything is hunky dory, unless it is race motivated attack.
    Let me repeat what I have highlighted in my previous posts. I am not welfare sucking refugee. My circle overwhelmingly comprises of very much "high skilled" immigrant IT professionals, Consultant, PhD and Post-Doc researchers. My opinion about German society is by no stretch universal, but unfortunately very common.

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