haifa lim

Om mig

haifa lim
 haifa lim
Om mig:
Ok, I’ll tell you who am I as a person… I got a free spirit but always in control. I exude confidence and guts in a most diplomatic way. My funny side is infectious! I love to hear ayat and suurah. I love people who love my interest . Friendship grooves my life in a proper perspective. Taking pictures are my cherished leisure. I love myself through wellness. My Precious Gem is my family… Simple and stable… Happy and safe. I may be slow but Hey!! I'm sure in everything I do… Sometimes I act like a child but I can be mature when thinking.. I'm a little sarcastic in a way, but that’s how I say my piece. Love me or hate me.. You’ve got the choice! I love when I know its gonna work out. I don’t hold on to something unworthy I ain’t afraid to let go… for something bigger and better will come on time. For me letting go means loving more and wishing the other person all the best.. treasuring that no matter what I do.. I’ll be keeping good old times inside of me… In the chaotic world, is full of shits! I’ve got no choice but to celebrate life! My mission is to make someone happy and to be happy.. Even if it means I’ll end up in a big fiasco! Life is too short for bitterness, misery,frustration and hate. I'm gonna go out of my way to spend better days and share myself to anyone and to share themselves with me! Don’t do some crazy shits! Its makes me sick!.. Don’t mess with me! or else O_o.. Be good to me and you’ll be amazed! Simple rule huh?! Good conversation… to me is the best form of entertainment and personal bonding! I dare you…Talk to me!^^
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Språk :
Arabic, English, Malay, Zulu, Indonesian, Hindi, Urdu
Vänner, Affärskontakter
Australia, Brunei, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Victoria


  •  haifa lim

    May this Ramadan be a month of inspiration filled w/ 'Iman' and 'Taqwa'. May Allah swt bestow 'Noor' and 'Baraqah' in our life, may Allah swt accept our fasting and forgive our sins, and may Allah swt always keep us on the straight path... Ameen! HAPPY RAMADAN TO ALL MY MUSLIM BROTHERS AND SISTER!

  •  haifa lim

    If you’re unhappy, you can’t expect something or someone outside of yourself to fix it. You are the only one responsible for your life. If you want to change and start living with passion, you are the one that has to act.

  •  haifa lim

    We are all different. You have to find how you work and what makes you happy. Stop looking at others for answers and find your own. It takes time, but there’s no rush anywhere. Enjoy the process, because that’s what life is about.

  •  haifa lim


  •  haifa lim

    Words alone don't make a relationship of any kind, put actions of trust, honesty, kindness, empathy, and strength behind them and it will last an eternity.- ♥ ♥ ♥

  •  haifa lim

    ՙ ՙՙ In life, we must learn to say I am sorry, I love you, thank you and good bye. It might not be easy but we can also say you are welcome, please stay or even stop. It would just be a matter of choice; choice of words, time and person. So be honest, listen and say what is in your heart. ..

  •  haifa lim

    Problem of solving a problem is not a problem,
    but when a problem solves a problem without any problem then the problem is not at all a problem .

    Any problem??

  •  haifa lim

    The only thing that is guaranteed forever is your family... they will always be your family.. everything else can change.

  •  haifa lim

    Never take things for granted, hold every person you love to your heart because you might wake up one day...and realize that you've lost a diamond.....while you were too busy collecting stones.'

  •  haifa lim

    the greatest regret a man can have is to let every opportunity go untaken, uncherish what is supposed to be pivotal, and to take for granted the love of God, Whose affection goes beyond the boundary of limitation.

  •  haifa lim

    Failures are a part of life. If you don't fail, you don't learn. If you don't learn, you'll never change.

  •  haifa lim

    For every action there is a consequence, what goes around comes around. Karma will teach us all something, Whether we like it or not.the concept of Karma is actually identical to the Law of Compensation.its psychological impact would make people more cautious and conscientious of their actions.hence, attenuating the Forces of Wrongdoings.

  •  haifa lim

    'O Allah, when i lose hope because my plans have come to nothing, help me to remember that Your love is always greater than my disappointments, and that Your plans for my life are always better than my dreams...

  •  haifa lim

    When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.

  •  haifa lim

    There will always be dreams grander or humbler than your own, but there will never be a dream, exactly like your own... for you are unique and more wondrous than you know...

  •  haifa lim

    Don't cry for a guy, let a guy cry for you. Cause girls give and forgive, but guys get and forget.
    so come on girls.. we need to change our attitude.

  •  haifa lim

    If you don't know, then ask me. If you don't agree, then argue with me. If you don't like, then say it to me. But don't keep silent and judge me.

  •  haifa lim

    Life is only traveled once; today's moment becomes tomorrow's memory. ENjoy every moment, good or bad, coz the GIFT of LIFE is LIFE itself.

  •  haifa lim

    Remember... every thing in life is a Choice, and every Choice comes with a Consequence! So when it all comes right back at you...remember...It was your choice!

  •  haifa lim

    In life, there are no permanent defeats, just permanent struggles and exciting battles to win. “Our greatest glory is not in ‘never failing’ but in rising every time we fail.” - Confucius

  •  haifa lim

    ‎" HOPE AND END is always there for everyone. It is up to us how we deal with them : A HOPELESS END or AN ENDLESS HOPE."

  •  haifa lim

    True and concerned friends are hard to find. That is why, if you find one, keep him/her and value your relationship. True friends do not exploit you. They catch you when you fall and give you their hands when you stumble down.

  •  haifa lim

    FRIENDS are important in our life. Between fair-weather friends and all-weather friends, choose the latter, for it is they who are with you in good and bad times, no matter what?

  •  haifa lim

    The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes. ~Benjamin Disraeli

  •  haifa lim

    If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want. --- Zig Ziglar

  •  haifa lim

    PATIENCE means accepting what is beyond our control. In times of stress and anxiety, being able to surrender to the will of Allah(swt) is a relief beyond measure. This does not mean that we sit back and let life pass by. No! It means that we strive to please Allah(swt) in all aspects of ......our life, in our work and play, in our family life and in our
    personal endeavors.

  •  haifa lim

    Living by and fighting for your principle is a reasonable virtue. But knowing when to let go of things and dream not meant for you is intelligence.

  •  haifa lim

    To all today’s birthday guys, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! “Forget you are one year older. Worry not about your age. Focus on achieving your goal and making your life greater and happier.

  •  haifa lim

    My Life is like a Book, it depends on how you read me...don't judge me by my cover,,,turn on and look inside...and discover it for I will be one of your true pages Forever...

  •  haifa lim

    Commitment does not mean sticking to a person
    when you do not have any option,
    it means keeping a relation with someone
    even though you have lots of options.

  •  haifa lim

    Never look back but never forget, always forgive never regret, help someone every chance you get, find God's grace in every mistake & always give more than you take.

  •  haifa lim

    The greatest feeling in life is to find someone who knows your faults and weaknesses but still willing to embrace you with so much love without doubt.

  •  haifa lim

    Life is a mystery, a gift from God. It is full of surprises and challenges, pains and gains, ups and down and life and death. Life's mystery is shrouded with our relationship with our Creator. Verily,for every hardship, there is relief........

  •  haifa lim

    I am happy to celebrate eid with my friends, but somehow I miss celebrating it with my family back home...wish I can be at two places at once... Eid Mubarak to all my friends and relatives.

  •  haifa lim

    Ramadhan is nearly going,so sad.....May ALLAH accept our GOOD DEEDS , FORGIVE our transgressions and ease the SUFFERING of all the people around the GLOBE. I am wishing you all a very HAPPY, HEALTHY, PROSPEROUS and PEACEFUL EID. "EID MUBARAK ."

  •  haifa lim

    Sometimes in our life, you think you are on the edge, nowhere to go and no one to turn to ... but God. It’s a test of our faith, how far you can endure. My Lord, please forgive me for my shortcomings. Please don’t abandon me for U are my only Savior and Nourisher!

  •  haifa lim

    "Learn from the past, look to the future by taking the right step today. Failure is a temporary setback to make you a better person. Adversity is the disguise of opportunity."

  •  haifa lim

    ‎"A perfect life can't be found in wealth, for riches can be taken away. Not in fame, for famous people can be forgotten. Not in beauty, for beauty fades. And not in intelligence, for it doesn't make us a higher creation of God. A perfect life is found in contentment with the things we have, and in our faith in Allah who gives us all things."

  •  haifa lim

    In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know who our friends are.
    A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
    A friend is one who knows us, and loves us anyway

  •  haifa lim

    May this Ramadan be a month of inspiration filled w/ 'Iman' and 'Taqwa'. May Allah swt bestow 'Noor' and 'Baraqah' in our life, may Allah swt accept our fasting and forgive our sins, and may Allah swt always keep us on the straight path... Ameen! HAPPY RAMADAN TO ALL MY MUSLIM BROTHERS AND SISTER!