• Tony Swope

    @TY and @Brandon Hayes Good Reference Info thanks again.

    போஸ்ட் செய்யப்பட்டது  Tony Swope அதில் ஜெர்ம்னிஅமைப்பு 

    Thanks guys real good reference info. I just finished watching the being black in germany video. I enjoyed it very much. As I said before I am not motivated or controlled by fear arrogance or ignorance. This will not be my first time living and working in a foreign country. In addition I have confidence in my personality ability and insightfulness to do well no matter where I go.

    In my experience I have learned people value respect and accept this and those that don't I never needed them around me anyway. It is like anything in life when it comes to dealing with people some will accept and love you. Some will spurn envy and hate you and some will simply ignore you all together. I am going to focus on the ones who will accept, respect, and love me. I know for a fact that even with all of the information that I have gathered that while there is probably 20% of the population that is radical racist you name it there are more people that would be interested in learning making friends and focused on positive constructive pursuits.

    One thing that I can say about the german people as a whole, they human period. There may be differences in language and culture here and there but there are good people and there are bad people. People who want to open and accepting and people who are fearful and ignorant.

    Well I am going to focus on the good people the open minded people the people who want learn from me and I can learn from them. This is how you build lasting meaningful relationships. Germany will be a great opportunity for me and I am not going to miss out on it because of a few mis-guided mis-informed people or a bunch of millitant skin heads. I do acknowledge there are certain dangers but the same is true here is america. Hell when in L.A. it wasn't like I was going down to watts every chance I get. So I feel that it will be a good experience for me. All in all I know I will attract good people because I have the right attitude.

    Gents, it has been very educational good luck to you all.

    Tony S.

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