• Where to live? Should we choose Cents, Hesperange, Howald or where!

    போஸ்ட் செய்யப்பட்டது உப்யோகிபோரை நீக்கவும் அதில் லக்ஸம்பர்க் அமைப்பு 

    Hi Tony,

    that is very helpful, thank you! I have a better picture of these areas now. We really will have a big decision to make with regards where to live. We lived before in Trier and loved it. But neither of us had to commute to Luxembourg.

    So this time we thought we would look at living in Luxembourg, but we know nothing about the everyday life in Luxembourg. So I'm glad you mention the traffic problems and the lack of buses to some areas after midnight. I thought I was getting away from all that :) So those areas do have some advantages, in that they do have some amenities, but it will take longer to get to work than expected. And driving may be another possibility then.

    We know we have to come over to visit and spend a few days in Luxembourg, exploring some different areas. So it's great to get some feedback on the areas, as we won't have time to go everywhere.

    I had a brief walk around Lux the other day...my, my the restaurants seem very expensive. I went into some place called Bananas though, and it was not expensive and very good :) So I suppose you just have to shop around!

    Thanks again Tony, appreciate it.

    Cheers, Noelle

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