• just a guess

    โพสต์โดย ผู้ใช้ที่ถูกลบออกแล้ว ใน ห้องสนทนา เยอรมนี 

    I think maybe foreigner carries a negative stigma because Germans may be fed up with seeing their country change.

    Again, just a guess. Go to Miami and you will see why most Americans will tell you that it's not part of the country. Hello? it's just not American. Too much immigration from the same culture and now, the country loses its original identity. And you go to Miami and you see that it's a mess, it's dirty, people are rude, things don't work right. How can the US be so clean and organized but Miami is such a mess?. Well, that comes from the people there and good luck finding an anglo-saxon American in Miami.

    Maybe Germans have been seeing something similar, their country changing too much and maybe they don't like it. I have read about communities where everybody in the apartments is from Turkey. Why? I think when you have lots of immigrants from the same place they stick together and keep their own culture and of course the locals don't like it because now their culture is not being respected.

    Maybe it's not the reason, but I'm just saying, it could be. Different countries have different cultures and if Germans like theirs, is it not normal that they don't like to see it change? And who changes it? foreigners? If I go there I'm sure I'll be another foreigner and I'll have to prove that I'm there because I love it and want to learn from it and behave like them.

