• Theena De schryver

    Done my interview spouse visa

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  Theena De schryver انرر پیلجیئم فورم 

    Hi miss.k
    I'm already done my interview last 16 of September FRV we been together closer to 4 years since the day I met him.. but we are married last Feb 13 of this year...our relationship is solid he visited me 9 x already 2 to 3x a year...
    All the questions I answered it by heart
    And even the questionare that I filled it up
    I don't lie ... But my like the name of my brother in laws I don't know them coz we never talked about it..
    And even her child we talked we see each other on Skype say hi and hello.
    Coz there are some questions there regarding to his family I said that I don't know coz my husband is not attached on his brothers just only to his mother
    Even the ex wife they asked it on the questionare
    Which is I don't have any idea...
    Even the gift s he give me on my birthday chrismas and new year ... We are couple are not into gifts
    So my husband nagged me coz I don't tell anything
    But I answered it by heart and that's the truth
    But all the information there about our relationship I answered everything...
    Now we are on the agony stage
    If I denied or approved....
    Its the hardest part waiting
    Thanks u ms.k
    God bless

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