• جائیں اس یوزر کےC G Olesen, RN's پروفائل پر

    I highly reommend Dr Christian Rivera, Plastic Surgeon

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  C G Olesen, RN انرر کوسٹا ریکا فورم 

    As I stated in my lengthy post. I do not know much about other plastic surgeons in Costa Rica other than when I did my research, I found Dr. Christian Rivera to be the most up to date with current procedures and had a wonderful outcome with minimal pain and I did a lot of different procedures; tummy tuck, lipo, lower eye-lid lift. I know of the other surgeons by name and I know there were other patients at the surgical retreat from the other doctors who had tummy tucks and lipo but they were in a whole lot more pain than I was as was stated by them. Dr. Rivera is not necessarily the least expensive but I feel he is the best. I wish you the very best. Carol O. RN

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