• Racism

    پوسٹڈ بايئ یوزر کو ڈیلیٹ کر دیا گیا ہے انرر جرمنی فورم 

    That's an interesting excuse to say that Spaniards don't get social help like immigrants so its logical for Spaniards to act as racist. But are you really sure that your authorities are very welcoming to immigrants....."Recently the group of independent experts which supervises the application of the UN’s International Convention for the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination described the existing Spanish regulations relative to foreign women who suffer abuse and do not have their documentation in order as discriminatory and requested that the Government revise the Immigration Law to end their lack of protection. The fact is that it also happens to victims of racist violence because, in the event that they do not have “papers,” they tend to prefer not to report rather than suffer deportation.

    Socially, while the surveys denote a latent growth of intolerance, prejudices, and contrary attitudes toward immigration and toward our main ethnic minority, the Gypsy community, our fellow citizens are not aware of the racist behaviors that dwell among us. Many consider immigration to be “excessive” and a waste of resources, forgetting that immigrants create wealth, and so create an exclusive identity which denies cultural and religious rights to those who are different. They normalize the rejection of Moroccans, the marginalization of Gypsies, superiority toward blacks, phobia of Muslims, anti-Semitic reproach, and in a context of crisis and a convulsed world, an attitude of “Spanish first,” saving for another time the principle of equal treatment. Ah! But no, we are not racist.

    On various occasions these international groups have demanded that xenophobic websites be shut down, but over 400 of the thousands available on the Internet originate in Spain. They also demand the illegalization of racist organizations, but here we have xenophobic parties who demonstrate with no problem. They demand that we legally punish incitement to hate, but in our country dozens of neo-Nazi concerts take place with no penalties. They demand that we remove symbols of this type from soccer fields, but here the ultras groups persist despite their legal prohibition. They also remind us that our legal cases must conform to the requirements of the EU Framework Decision against Racism, but our penal code has yet to do this. They urge development of effective instruments for prosecution, but we only have two Public Prosecutors for hate crimes in Barcelona and Madrid." http://movementagainstintolerance.wordpress.com/2011/03/22/r

    BTW what black foreigner sportsmen get any social help in Spain then why they are called monkeys due to their skin colors???

    "Lewis Hamilton was racially mocked and abused in Barcelona. But in Spain itself, Paul Hamilos reports, many fail to understand what the fuss is about" read the whole story here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/feb/08/spain.sport

    Speaking to Brazilian newspaper Folha de S. Paulo about the racism in Spain, the Brazil full-back said: “Unfortunately, I have learned how to live with it. Every match the crowd goes after me. They insult me, call me monkey.”


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