Spaculating The Depth of the Sea......

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  SAMIR JAMAL انرر دوبئي فورم 

    Spaculating the depth of the sea, standing on the shore is not a good idea.
    my dear, dubai is the most expensive city of the world. house rents are at the top, food is not cheaper even and taxi fares can't conpensate the inflation. companies provide house rents but this also depends on what job you have and what company is giving you a job?
    i am paying 4000 AED/month and i have just a small room. paying 2000 AED/ month for food excluding alcohols.
    Dubai Marina is good place but expensive too. Dubai is the most expensive but not the beautiful city. social life is not even better. friends you can have but keep on finding good friends...................and the dating? this depends how you want it.
    anyway, if you want a job in Dubai, you have to come here and find the realities.

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