• Jane Theycalme

    Learning by blogging

    đăng bởi  Jane Theycalme trong  Nam Phi diễn đàn 

    I have got a history of language learning and have started teaching myself Afrikaans very recently. In the process I looked at how others teach themselves languages and there are plenty of ways to do it. I am using sources that are spread all over the internet and share them in my blog, trying to bring in some self-developed structural approach.

    I am currently looking at everything that can be done for free and does not require any particular commitment by a second party. Not that I wouldn't be happy to do so for language learning in general, but the circumstances are such that I am forced to rely on free sources for the time being and Afrikaans is really a choice of passion, rather than of necessity. I have to save my money for the necessities at the moment.

    Feel free to have a look and see if

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