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    No doubt

    发表  T Y 在 德国论坛 

    @ Anna,

    I believe you totally that there are nice Germans too. But the real issue for foreigners is that only very tiny minority of Germans are genuinely nice towards Auslaender.

    So minority of german people deceiving foreigners and inviting them into Germany is almost a undemocratic practice. Germany should suspend the support for further immigration until the general public demands for it, and fix the existing problems that Germans of foreign origins are suffering from first. Germany needs to figure out the way to make the visible minority Germans and immigrants who already live there feel more welcome first.

    40% of university educated Turkish Germans choose to leave th country. Fix that before pretending to be a multi-kulti society. Just like Merkel admitted, multiculturalism in Germany has failed. No wonder.

    That's a simple proof that the German democracy prevailed. unfortunately for you, Anna, you are not the majority.

    Japanese and Germans draw similarities in that they both value the notion of "pure blood" highly. I personally don't agree with it, but if democracy is to be respected, at least the Japanese are doing the right thing by not opening the country to influx of immigrants. As a result, they are relatively content with the status quo in Japan, otherwise there'd be more Japanese emigrating from Japan. Hatred towards other Asians aside due to its history (I'm not going to argue withe the fact), they seem happy with their monocultural society.

    Multiculturalism isn't for every country. But giving all kinds of incentives to immigrants against the will of its citizens is just wrong.

    Germans are too afraid of being labelled racists again to speak against the immigration. This is why confused and almost deranged immigrants and frustrated Germans can't get along.

