Arjun Bahadur Katwal


Arjun Bahadur Katwal
 Arjun Bahadur Katwal
I am tall and thin with 174cm height and 165 kgs of weight, i Love to read books and always dream of establishing something new in this world but first always desire to do Bechelour in Civil Engineering to fulfill all dreams and aspiration.
Australia, Bhutan


Politics, Basketball, Football, Volleyball, My name is Arjun Bahadur Katwal, and I have completed diploma in civil Engineering from College of Science and Technology, Bhutan. I have recently qualified and joined in the Department of Road but further i wish to opt for BE in civil engineering from the same institute i.e. Collage of Science & Technology, Bhutan but the saddest part on my way is that i am from poor background and i have many family members who has to support by the parents and the parents could not afford for my expenses. Therefore, I'm seeking for some financial sponsors to help me manage the expenses of the tution fees of Nu. 50000 (fifty Thousand = 1500 $) per year for the duration of three years. I believe that your firm, that is famous for helping student community will try it's best to help me.I would like to share with you a brief history of this institution. The institution Science & Technology was located in the heart of Phuntsholing, Bhutan. The aim of this organization is to inprove the quality of Engineer by providing various skill in the field of engineer. I have requested for various other donations of specific amounts from other firms also but till now i could not receive any respond. My total tuition cost is divided into the transportation, accommodation and other costs i.e 50000$ per year. My contact number is 00097517690520, address:- Junior Engineer, Department of Road, Duksum, Trashigang e-mail address: and other details have also been mentioned. In case you need more information, feel free to contact me. I'm looking forward for your help and support and it would be very much assistant if any of the sponsor support me in this great need please. Yours sincerely, Name of the Student Arjun Bahadur Katwal Country: Bhutan Capital: Thimphu
Bhutanese Music
Sha dha Semo
Tibeten Books of Living and Dying
Be a Professional Engineer i.e Engineering activities
Drunker & Lier
Junior Engineer, Department of Road T/yangtse


  • Arjun Bahadur Katwal
     Arjun Bahadur Katwal

    My name is Arjun Bahadur Katwal, and I have completed diploma in civil Engineering from College of Science and Technology, Bhutan. I have recently qualified and joined in the Department of Road but further i wish to opt for BE in civil engineering from the same institute i.e. Collage of Science & Technology, Bhutan but the saddest part on my way is that i am from poor background and i have many family members who has to support by the parents and the parents could not afford for my expenses. Therefore, I'm seeking for some financial sponsors to help me manage the expenses of the tution fees of Nu. 50000 (fifty Thousand = 1500 $) per year for the duration of three years. I believe that your firm, that is famous for helping student community will try it's best to help me.I would like to share with you a brief history of this institution. The institution Science & Technology was located in the heart of Phuntsholing, Bhutan. The aim of this organization is to inprove the quality of Engineer by providing various skill in the field of engineer. I have requested for various other donations of specific amounts from other firms also but till now i could not receive any respond. My total tuition cost is divided into the transportation, accommodation and other costs i.e 50000$ per year. My contact number is 00097517690520, address:- Junior Engineer, Department of Road, Duksum, Trashigang e-mail address: [...] and other details have also been mentioned. In case you need more information, feel free to contact me. I'm looking forward for your help and support and it would be very much assistant if any of the sponsor support me in this great need please. Yours sincerely, Name of the Student Arjun Bahadur Katwal Country: Bhutan Capital: Thimphu

  • Arjun Bahadur Katwal
     Arjun Bahadur Katwal

    My name is Arjun Bahadur Katwal, and I have completed diploma in civil Engineering from College of Science and Technology, Bhutan. I have recently qualified and joined in the Department of Road but further i wish to opt for BE in civil engineering from the same institute i.e. Collage of Science & Technology, Bhutan but the saddest part on my way is that i am from poor background and i have many family members who has to support by the parents and the parents could not afford for my expenses. Therefore, I'm seeking for some financial sponsors to help me manage the expenses of the tution fees of Nu. 50000 (fifty Thousand = 1500 $) per year for the duration of three years. I believe that your firm, that is famous for helping student community will try it's best to help me.I would like to share with you a brief history of this institution. The institution Science & Technology was located in the heart of Phuntsholing, Bhutan. The aim of this organization is to inprove the quality of Engineer by providing various skill in the field of engineer. I have requested for various other donations of specific amounts from other firms also but till now i could not receive any respond. My total tuition cost is divided into the transportation, accommodation and other costs i.e 50000$ per year. My contact number is 00097517690520, address:- Junior Engineer, Department of Road, Duksum, Trashigang e-mail address: [...] and other details have also been mentioned. In case you need more information, feel free to contact me. I'm looking forward for your help and support and it would be very much assistant if any of the sponsor support me in this great need please. Yours sincerely, Name of the Student Arjun Bahadur Katwal Country: Bhutan Capital: Thimphu