Оди до профилот на John Lovejoy


    Објавено од  John Lovejoy во Германија форум  

    I don’t see how place of birth can have anything to with race.
    Those are two completely different things.

    Reality is many are very unhappy with Obama,Democrats and Republicans for breaking his campaign promises, adopting and expanding the Bush doctrine, adding more debt than any president in history in the shortest amount of time, his corporatism, backdoor deals with the bankers, expanding government and the devaluation of our currency.
    Drone attacks in Afghanistan, killing civilians indiscriminately from the air and expanding the MIC....whilst preaching peace.
    The country is way worse of under him than his predecessor.
    But if you address any of the above as a voter, his hard core personality cult supporters will call you a racist to immunize him from scrutiny and accountability
    This is a first in American history that it’s politically incorrect to question or hold our president accountable…because the color of his skin.
    That is ridicules.
    Moreover the birther topic is largely driven by the left ( his supporters) and a media and internet phenomena but not reality in everyday life.
    As a relatively unknown with hardly a record, I supported his election in good faith based on his speeches and promises.
    Over two years later Obama has a record which speaks for itself which I will absolutely not support.
    Does that make me racist?
    I think not.

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