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    @Lovejoy, I agree with you, but those are the reasons why the Germans need to speak up against the authority if they really want to get rid of immigrants.

    I also doubt they are capable of governing themselves, looking at just how clueless former East Germans are after the fall of Berlin wall. But unless Germans actually change their own country by themselves, everybody stays furious, both Germans and immigrants, until one day they start killing each other.

    Germans are sick of immigrants and immigrants are sick of racism. Since Germany is a country of Germans, instead fighting the racism, Germans should just halt the immigration, and deport immigrants who still have families back home if the countries are safe and stable. I think it would be a horrific solution, against all the basic human rights, but that's what Germans want, in their own country, if that won't make them happy, then it's all their fault.

    In the US or Canada, pretty much everyone was an immigrant at one point, so many people share a similar sympathy towards immigrants. But simply speaking against racism has less effect in Germany because there's this acceptance amongst Germans that Germany is for Germans, and it is not to be argued. This is why racism is tolerated in Germany.

    I totally agree with what you said though. But I just think they need a change by the people regardless of the outcome, which would affect immigrants unfortunately. Society can't function if everyone is so hostile to each other. And the politically correctness is prohibiting ordinary Germans from speaking their minds, and they are just pretending to be auslaenderfreundlich. It's suffocating for both Germans and ethnic minorities. And in reality, minorities are only considered visitors, and not part of the society, only Germans can take action to bring the changes.

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