• Laurie Perkins

    Big D

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  Laurie Perkins : Almanya forumu 

    I am sorry. I never said that those who live in Germany were rude. I just think there are some cultural differences. Here in the States, it all depends on what part of the country you are visiting. Because the US is so large we have a vast array of cultural norms and it really depend where you are. I have lived several places in the US. I grew up in California where you really didn't talk to people you didn't know. I never considered it to be rude, just the way it was. For example if you needed to borrow a lighter you would not ask a stranger. Then I lived in Texas, and Texans are known for being extremely friendly to all. When I moved there I was shocked and very suspicious because it was pretty routine for strangers to strike up a conversation with one in the grocery store or anywhere. I had to adjust to so much friendliness:-) But as time went on I liked it...but it took time. Then I found myself up North in West Virginia and in Detroit. There people weren't as friendly. The North and South don't always like each other because of the cultural differences. I think the North views the South as a little slow or stupid. The pace up North a bit faster than the pace in the South. Neither is bad, just different.

    I agree in villages and in smaller community that perhaps they are a bit more warm. That is also the case in the US. And for sure no matter where you live you will find some friendly and unfriendly people. I am sorry that those American women were rude. A smile cost nothing and sometimes it means the world to a stranger who is perhaps a bit uncomfortable because of the different surroundings they find themselves in.

    Here in the US military personnel are taught not to smile. My daughter went to boot camp and never was she allowed to smile. So maybe this has something to do with the Post you work on. I don't know. Or like you said, perhaps it is the individuals. I can only speak for myself.

    Unfortunately I have not yet had the pleasure or the honor to visit any other country other than Germany so I can not honestly say how it is in other European countries. I Hope to I get to travel more when I move to Germany. I surely don't go to other places so as to make a list of what is wrong with it. I find everywhere I have been to be interesting. From every experience good or bad, I bring something away that I feel helps me to understand a different part of the world just a little better.

    In Germany I will continue to smile with all who meet my eyes. That is just the way I am. If nothing more they will know that I am a happy person without any ill feeling towards them and I am happy to be a guest in their country.

    Big D, again think you for your thoughts.

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