• John Lovejoy kullanıcısının profiline gidin

    Hang in there

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  John Lovejoy : Almanya forumu 

    Hi G. M.

    Don’t let it get you down.
    Chances are it’s not your fault.
    You are not alone.
    I have heard many of those stories amongst foreigners.
    Being refused work and then blamed for it.
    Housing can also be very difficult.

    Every time I encounter rudeness, being put down or am barked at just for being a foreigner by people that don’t even know me, I smile and just remember that Germany is a relatively small country with a bit of a peculiar culture and not the real world and just a part of the big puzzle of humanity.
    If they want to live like that, let them.
    Be kind even when people are not kind to you.
    Don’t let it drag you down but rise above and with that keep your self respect.
    But also be never afraid to tell the truth, even if not well received or politically incorrect.

    You must really love your wife to put yourself through this.
    Kudos and much respect for your efforts.
    Hang in there Buddy.

    "It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society"
    - Jiddu Krishnamurti

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