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    diposting oleh  T Y di forum Jerman 

    I totally agree with you on this one I wouldn't go as far as to say ausländerfeies Deutschland für die Deutschen, but unless the government start respecting the Germans, I wouldn't be surprised if something like what happened in Rostock took place again in Germany only in a bigger scale.

    If the Germans were left alone without all the influx of immigrants, they would probably treat foreigners nicer.

    The real problem is that the globalists have successfully brainwashed "liberal" Germans so much so that now some of them actually support immigration. And the globalists are using the divide and conquer tactics on Germans to keep them fight against each other instead of revolting against the government.

    It is only natural that the Germans tend to hate foreigners that they were forced to accept in their own country. Germany is not meant to be a multicultural society, neither are many other nations.

    Germany as a nation has to come to terms with being a monocultural society, and it is ok. Otherwise it's like trying to turn a gay person into a straight, or vice versa, no one is a winner. It is what it is. The racism in Germany is just the result of imposing unwanted multiculturalism.

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