• Pergi ke profil John Lovejoy


    diposting oleh  John Lovejoy di forum Jerman 

    @ YT
    For a long time I did not agree with you on that point, having grown up in the natural and diverse multiculturalism of the US.
    Bewildered by the frequently racist things regular people say about and to foreigners and minorities in Germany and how badly they often treat them.
    But now I am beginning to wonder.

    After further research, it turns out that these open door immigration policies in Germany and Europe where handed down by the EU in Brussels (unelected officials) but did not come about by a democratic vote of the German citizens.
    So there has been a mass migration and mass immigration from the East and from war torn African nations to Germany and other European countries without consulting the citizens or letting them vote on that ...which is possibly scaring them, not having a say so in their own country

    The recent shooter in Olso is also very emblematic of that.

    Moreover, Germany/ Europe is not like the US , where just about everybody is from somewhere else and immigrants choose to live with one another building a new nation over several hundred years …a natural process and one of choice ….embracing and celebrating cultural diversity as a national value.

    This also explains why Muslims in the US have absolutely no problem integrating and are just a natural part of our national make up along with all the others from over 140 countries .
    Nobody cares what clothes they wear .

    This begs the question:
    Is Brussels with their EU experiment not undermining democracy in these sovereign and traditionally mono-cultural nations?
    And don’t these nations and their citizens have the right to self determine what their cultural make up is?

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