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    diposting oleh Pengguna yang sudah dihapus di forum Jerman 

    Attacking strangers physically and verbally in real life on the street, at school, in the justice or unjustice system,in the canteen, in the restaurant and on each part of real life is not enough; now they are attacking the strangers in their subtle way and defending their holy Germany on the web on this blog. Wow..
    there are lots of racist german web attackers, in all kind of blogs and articles... Their stupid arguments are all the same... And if they are successful with provoking people by usage of their subtle kind of way, they start with: "calm down." or similar "peaceful" statements, although they provoked the pople. They only want to defend their holy germany; After discrimination towards strangers in real social life like killing them or staring at them or shouting at them or talking about them or refusing them or ignoring them, they have to defend their racism in the web at this forum. They are defending their culture.

    Respecting humanity is more important than respecting any culture of the 19th century...But this phrase can only understood by human beings, not by racists who defend their culture or soccer club or whatever of shit.

    It is really useful that the german racists show their face on this forum: they give evidence to intelligent people from all over the world in the internet what the matter with them is. To argue like "but the other people are also racist or even more racist" or to organise any ideological attacks at this forum with lots of stupid other arguments shows to people what kind of brainless people are living in Germany.

    There are also lots of racist webpages in germany like "political incorrect" who provide the web racists with arguments and show them URL links in the web where they can attack people who do not agree with their racist nonsense. Afterwards,they attack in groups to this webpages and start with their web mobbing. Their arguments and styles are always the same.

    And nobody is allowed to accuse them because of the Third Reich, and nobody is allowed to decrease the
    image of Germany etc.

    In fact,if foreign people want to have holiday in Germany and spend money, the barkeepers are or maybe

    friendly during this few weeks of holiday.

    But if you want to live anywhere of Germany as a physical stranger,that means if you try to rent a flat, find a job, talk to your neighbours, enter to a club, share any kind of social contact, if you want to have a friend or girl friend,if you want to marry and have a family,if you want to have a social life, you will realise that the germans are not living in the year 2013 as they want to show: they are acting conservative like in the 19th century at all places of live like at work, at any club or at any church . The german culture is not democratic.

    They are damaging themselves and increasing their own prison which is called germany.

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