• Pergi ke profil Rick towghi

    German are more racist! No way around it

    diposting oleh  Rick towghi di forum Jerman 

    I ran into this forum, and couldn't help not putting in my two cents.

    "The Germans are not more racist than any other country in Western Europe. "
    They are more racist than UK and France!

    I with two of my coworkers form our company that operates in number of countries, were in Germany France, and UK and spent about 6 months in each country. I am myself American of Italian (Sicilian) descent, one of my was coworker was Nigerian born American, and the other your typical Anglo-American.
    Yes some Germans are just that excuses.
    My Anglo colleague had did not encounter any hostility nor any discomforting stares, I did until they realized I was American, Nigerian Colleague was grudgingly treated politely when he was with us.

    Germans are rude, Don't give me this cr%%p, that they are reserve and once you get know them blah blah....I am sure once you got to Know Bin Ladin when he was alive, you probably would have found him to be on ok dude. Heck some of the worst criminals according to their neighbors who "knew" them were gentle and caring souls.

    "What is happening is that the 30 years lost of non europeans have arrived, and a small part of then have been causing trouble. Im from Belgium: 45% of inmates in Belgian prisons are do not have the belgian nationality. And of those with the Belgian nationality: it was far too easy to get as an immigrant... I suscept similar number for germany.
    Many came from poor areas in Turkey, Middle East etc. for example. "

    Nice excuse, Other than UK and to lesser degree France, Germany and Belgium allowed these nationalities to do their dirty work. What happens is that their children are not content to do the same dirty work. Unlike UK, it is impossible form those of 3rd country to get jobs which German Or Dutch etc is willing to do.

    "They came to y continued to live here liike they lived in their country of origin, kids being loud out on the streets all day, men often unemployed hanging out together, in their own bars, casinos, markets (if you've been there u know what I mean:

    So here you haver second generation children with a choice to continue to the sane dirty jobs, as their parents, or "if they don't like it they can leave." Well then these second generation have two choices, make living with crimes, or create their own communities. "

    This whole excuses of Middle easter and Turks not willing to integrate is resentment that Turks and middle eastern rather raise their own communities than clean German/Dutch Toilets.

    "life happens outside of the house much more than here) - which scares the Germans of course: "
    Life happens for Germans and perhaps. The only life that happens for Turks and other immigrants is that of doing the menial job.

    " Newspapers here full of criminal facts, more and more by immigrants coz there are ever more of them. "

    Well, did you accept them to continue cleaning your toilets for ever?
    When I first went to decent restaurant in Germany, I got shock of my life,
    in Germany. As I walked I was asked more than once to clean their tables. Anyway I got my beer and and set on one of the tables, Needing to use the restroom, i left and comeback and say two elderly couple on my table. As I approached they pushed their empty plates. I ignored them and took my seat (Among them) and start to "enjoy" my beer. The look of confusion on their face was priceless. Then a poor Kurdish guy came and meekly cleaned the table, and looked at me, as if saying, Man are you trying to cause trouble.
    SO this is answer to your

    "So what do you expect: of course the Germans will have a more negative attitude towards immigrants."

    Sorry Germans themselves are not presenting much of positive feedback.

    ". A professor from Istanbul will be happily accepted here."

    Of course he will be! But he became a professor i n Turkey. He can hobnob with his colleagues. I was treated well once they knew my background.
    This makes them even worse,

    "On the other hand: women with a boerka: How can they contribute to society here?"
    Contribute in what sense? My wife is house wife, and I think thats a great contribution! I am going to guess that Women with Burka probably stay home and help and be home maker. Or do you expect all immigrants to be doing your dirty work?
    "That is what Germans ask. But it is not racism. "
    Ask for what? Get rid of their Burka? Or to Contribute?
    Does being a housewife or planning to become a housewife makes her useless to Germany?

    "Try and build a christian church in the Middle East. Impossible. "

    You are an American aren't you? There are more Christan churches in middle east then Mosques in Europe!!! Mosque and church building in middle east is a local affair, when a sufficient number of faithful (whatever their faith maybe), think they need a church or mosque the petition for license and generally permit is granted cause it actually brings some income to the local govt. KSA is an exception.

    The day when I went to basement terminal to take my flight to Strasbourg where I was with bunch of French, the day I felt among my fellow human beings! French can be RUDE, but they are mischievously rude.

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