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    Canada, the land of the evil

    diposting oleh  T Y di forum Jerman 

    I admire you so much for being self-critical of our nation. Canada isn't a paradise and no one claims it as one.

    I'm sorry to prove you wrong but I see immigrants everyday who have made extra effort to be successful in Canada. If others believe what they do is enough, then they have a wrong expectation.

    And let's not forget about the second and third generations either. The first generation immigrants came to Canada and worked their asses off to provide their kids a better future. And from the second generation on, visible minority Canadians are already very becoming successful, whereas in Germany, you can't say the same about the hyphenated Germans being as successful as the Germans. Of course Ozil is an exception! Good for him and for Germany!

    Our date is still on, right? ;)

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